Ndola, Zamdia

16 03 2009

Thirs day in africa. things are good met some awesome people and have had some interesting food. it is quite amazing. i have tons of pictures and video. tomorrow we are going to eat some food with some of the widow caregivers in their homes. which are mud huts in the compound. each day there are more things that are just blowing my mind. the way God is using people here to help the others is quite amazing. life is so very different here more than words, pictures, or video could describe. this has truely been a life chaning expierence. i do miss my fiance dearly though.

1 10 2008

24: Redemption

24 09 2008
Fthis is going to be amazing

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Mr. Stanley talking about the next President.

10 09 2008

Well these next 50+ days we are going to elect a new president. It is a wonderful expierence, and this election has truely been one to make the history books. I wrote a month or so ago about a series my church did called “letters to the next president” and i posted the letter i would like the next president to read. I have included in this post a video from my pastor talking that. So regardless what you stand for or who you want in the white house. Check this site out! Write a letter you cannot create something you want or something different without talking about it and letting it be known.


19 08 2008

It has been a little odd i have been out of the loop with the Olympics this time. But then again i never really watch the summer Olympics. But i have been spending more time alone with my lady. That is way more awesome than some olympics!

Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water

25 06 2008

I saw this video and it made me think. Reminded me of the passage in James where he talks about your tongue and controlling it. That negative words have such a hard impact on people especially their self image. It is a cool video! Makes you think before you might criticize someone or something. I am referencing James 3:1-12!

Camera is speeding! Audio is speeding! Action!!

23 06 2008

Long weekend! In four days I worked 16 hours at work, went to a 4 Star restaurant with my lady, went to a CD Release party, Made a 5 minutes short film within 24 hours, screened them, Worked at church for eight hours, went to lunch with my lady and friends, and had long talks at Taco Mac. It was quite nuts and I was very worn out. I did though do the 24 hour film project at Buckhead church, didn’t win. But had a blast and learned several things. Met new people, lost some sleep and laughed a lot. The videos should be up soon. To the above link. There will be a lot of laughs, for sure I will post when the videos are actually put up! Carlos did a great job being the MC!!

I just want to take a screwdriver and DIG it out!!!

19 06 2008

As the pressure builds in my left ear and the phone rings off the hook I had to take a break and ignore it all. I have been listening to the NP series, “The Cross, Crescent, and the Star” man it has been wonderful. First I learned a lot about the faith of Islam and Judaism. But hearing amazing stories of people coming to Christ, but having to be loved not by their families because of it. I don’t think I will ever have to make a decision of that magnitude of believing in something I would be disowned by my family. But I know that inside I do believe that hard and I do love Christ above ALL else. You hear something like that and then ear pressure and headaches don’t seem so bad than having your father say he will never be proud of you, or having your mother die denying she had you as a child.

Tonight I am taking out my lovely Amy B. to a concert, which concert you ask? Meghan Coffee’s CD release show actually. There is going to be some dinner involved as well. Will be a great night since we are both feeling better. 🙂

Being stuffy is no fun!

17 06 2008

So i guess i am sick. I don’t like to ever admit it, i guess it makes me feel weak. But whatever, i am sick! I will manage and i glad i have good people like Amy to take care of me around! Thanks AMY!