Global Warming Hmm, I dunno!!

25 06 2008
Global Warming

Global Warming

I was reading this article today and i was beginning to think about our lives, and our society. As it realtes to our characteristics in our lifestyle. So the whole Global warming thing I don’t know, I am not educated enough in the science’s to know or to say factually that it is or isn’t. But the point I am about try to make to you isn’t that we are or not causing global warming. It’s that we are not being smart prudent with our world, resources, power, and culture.

I do think that we should loose our dependence on foreign oil, not solely cause of the money or to just drill more here at home. We need to become non-fossil fuel dependant all together. I say that not as a hippie or a tree hugger. It is kind of like turning 18 you have a trust fund that matures and you get a ton of money. Well no you don’t need to run out and get a job probably in the near future cause you have all this definitive wealth. So you go 20 30 years raise a family and living off a large sum of money that was predefined at the beginning of the amount. Well eventually you will run out or your family will run out. If you have not been trying to make your own money by learning a trade building a business or whatever. You will have a problem when you have no money, no empire, no skills, and no hope. Now I know usually when it comes to people who have trust funds there are other things given to them they typically have some sort of position to make more money than what was given to them. But what I am illustrating is that this country for one if just counting on the abundance of oil and things from the earth. Well the problem is we are withdrawing from the bank and never depositing. We need to develop and embrace other things than a gas guzzling society. Of course loosing our fuel dependency will change our marketplace and our economy and could hurt those invested in the oil. Why can’t the companies refining the oil realize that they will eventually be gone when the oil is gone. Like a gold ghost town that was a gold mine. I see the problem is two fold with the reluctance to change by oil companies in a significant way as they are making a lot of money and the government is benefiting from it too. I once wrote a paper on the persecution of smokers and the judgment passed on by a lot of Americans and the government to those who smoke. I posed the question if it is so bad for you why not keep us from having it. Well the answer was that the government made a whopping $5,000,000,000 annually from the taxes on tobacco, not to mention the death of smokers and the taxes put on their estates. That was in 1995, I am not sure of the numbers now. I bring that up show how the government will say oh we need to get away from oil. On the other hand they are raking in the money on taxes, levies, revenue on refining, and more. So they aren’t REALLY looking into other sources. I get so frustrated that the government is like the cheap PC manufacture. Well they don’t do anything that someone else hasn’t done and already proven. I don’t understand why we have to be so behind the eight ball on everything in this country. We are the last to get new technology, the last to recognize problems others have known for a long time, it is absurd.

We are a great nation. Except our leadership (all of it not just the president) is to scared to stand up and try to actually fix something and stand for something that is right instead we are weak and don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. We have developed a culture that has to be completely satisfied now, and if we aren’t we will take legal action against one another. I want to throw my hands in the air sometimes when people are complaining about the most insignificant things in life. That they are entitled to what they want. Our schools, television, magazines, and government placate to that as well. Giving validation to a society who thinks they are entitled to everything they want. As my mom said growing up, your want will never make it your need. I don’t know where the freedom of expression became to frighten children and to alienate their parents cause they eat meat. Where is it become having a parade down the street performing mature acts because you have a different sexual orientation than someone else. When did it become ok, to go in front the nation on television and air your dirty laundry for the amusement of people who watch. Freedom doesn’t mean go crazy, doesn’t mean the right to carry a gun is a validation to shoot people or carry it as an act of an adolescent. Why do people think that if abortion is such a horrible terrible un-god-loving thing that some feel the need to condemn others or worse kill them. What happen to this being a country of tolerance, a country of being able to be not controlled by an overbearing authority.

We have become the opposite. We try to exploit our freedoms to no end, and the authority has to tighten it’s reign to control the situation. Why don’t people understand margin, as in yes you have the freedom to do this but you don’t need to devote your life to pushing moral boundaries just to prove a point. With margin you understand you can do all kinds of things but why do everything. Margin is well I know I only make 100k a year but I will buy all of these things so I spend more than I make, I mean I want people to know I have money. Margin is knowing that we are using a depleting unreplenishable source to push our economy forward, and look for different things that we can create or grow so we know that well will continue to make deposits in the bank.

I know that I was all over the place on the thoughts above. I guess what I am trying to say is that we all need to understand the power of margin. How it can change the course and direction of this country.

Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water

25 06 2008

I saw this video and it made me think. Reminded me of the passage in James where he talks about your tongue and controlling it. That negative words have such a hard impact on people especially their self image. It is a cool video! Makes you think before you might criticize someone or something. I am referencing James 3:1-12!